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How to Make Your Own Game on a Zero Budget

Develop a video game and making it fulfill the goal of “being played” by many people, can be an exhaustive and somewhat expensive task. Although if you and your team (or if you are “alone against the world”: p) are passionate about their respective activities, the “exhaustive” part will take second place, and starting from the fact that you have a computer and an internet connection, with this post we will make the “expensive” […]

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Unity Tutorial for Beginners. Make your own 2D visual effects. Image from Ackosmic Games

2. 2D Rain Effect

We are going to create a simple but very impressive “2D Rain” effect in Unity using a Particle System. 🙂 Unity Tutorial Level: Beginner.   1.1 Creating a New Project. We are going to create a new project in Unity: Open Unity Hub in your PC. On the home screen, click on the “New” button . In the “Project name” field, type the name that you like the most for your project, we recommend […]

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Unity Tutorial for Beginners. Make your own 2D visual effects. Image from Ackosmic Games

1. 2D Liquid Blast

We are going to create a simple but very impressive “2D Liquid Blast” effect in Unity using a Particle System. 🙂 Unity Tutorial Level: Beginner.   1.1 Creating a New Project. We are going to create a new project in Unity: Open Unity Hub in your PC. On the home screen, click on the “New” button . In the “Project name” field, type the name that you like the most for your project, we […]

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Unity Tutorial for Beginners. C Sharp in Unity. Image from Ackosmic Games

5. Operations with Variables

In this Unity Tutorial we will talk about “Access Modifiers”, how to implement them, and we will learn how to perform simple mathematical operations using “Variables” and “Constants”. Unity Tutorial Level: Beginner. 5.1 Access Modifiers. These “Modifiers” help us to define the accessibility that the Members of a Class will have (in other words, let us know who can see the Variables that we have created, or Methods, and so on). At this point, […]

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Unity Tutorial for Beginners. C Sharp in Unity. Image from Ackosmic Games

4. Variables and Data Types

In this Unity Tutorial you will learn what “Variables” and “Constants” are, and the “Data Types” they can store (also, how to work with them within Unity and C#). Unity Tutorial Level: Beginner. 4.1 Variables and Constants. “Variables” and “Constants” can be defined as “computer memory sections reserved for storing data”. With “Variables”, the “stored data” can be known or not, fixed or changing (variable). With “Constants”, the “stored data” is fixed, known and […]

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Unity Tutorial for Beginners. C Sharp in Unity. Image from Ackosmic Games

3. Knowing our Script

In this Unity Tutorial we will learn about the sections that set a Unity Script up, also we will know what a “Namespace”, a “Class”, an “Object” and “Methods” are (in order to get involved with the most common terms used when programming in C#). Unity Tutorial Level: Beginner. 3.1 Namespace. Let´s analyze our script “HelloWorld” (if you have doubts about how to create or open this file, you can see the previous post […]

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Unity Tutorial for Beginners. C Sharp in Unity. Image from Ackosmic Games

2. “Hello World” in Unity

In this Unity Tutorial we will learn How to Create our First Code in “C Sharp (C #)” language and How to Execute it in Unity to Display the Famous Message “Hello World” 🙂 Unity Tutorial Level: Beginner. 2.1 Opening our Project. In the previous post (1. Setting the Environment), we created the Project “LearningCSharp” (in which we will be working during this tutorial series). In case you have closed the Project, here are […]

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Unity Tutorial for Beginners. C Sharp in Unity. Image from Ackosmic Games

1. Setting the Environment

Before starting with the codes in C Sharp (C #), we will configure our Unity Editor Interface and thus ensure that we all see the same on the screen 🙂 Unity Tutorial Level: Beginner. 1.1 Creating a New Project. We are going to create a new Project in Unity: Open Unity in your computer. On the home screen, click on the “New Button”. In the “Project name” field, write the name that you like most […]

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Unity Tutorial for Beginners. C Sharp in Unity. Image from Ackosmic Games

C# in Unity

In this Tutorial Series, we will learn step by step the Basic Concepts to Start Programming in “C Sharp (C #)” Language within Unity Engine 😀 Unity Tutorial Level: Beginner.

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